Wednesday, November 6, 2019


Hi today on Wednesday we did athletics.The whole school went even the juniors it was amazing but it made me so tired it made me so tired it felt like I was going to die because my legs were sour like I had big bruise's on them.Anyways when we got to the love lock we putted our bags on the side of the gate and then got into our year groups.Later on miss bound went over with the rule's then she started to put us in our activity,When we were in our groups we started off with shock put,it was rely heavy rely tiring to.

So when everyone threw Mr Tortola picked the first people who threw far.After when our time was up we did discuss then 200m,
after we finished 200m we did long jump it was rely challenging because you have to try and make your feet not go over the blue line but if you do then it will be a fell.After we were finished we did 100m running it was our last one to do,but when we started my race I felt so we so I decided to jog,after everything we had a little brake then the teachers and student's did a relay race it was 

only for the people who made it first and second it was a rely cool  race the ninja came first then in second place it was Mr Vega,then the third person was Florence,after we went back to school then it was play time.

Image result for Shot put ballImage result for Relay batten sticksImage result for Discus frisbee

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