Monday, May 13, 2019

Force and motion

Hi today I am going to post about how can you move a toy car.
first you got to no about the four points about force and motion,
one is drag,number two is thrust and weight the last one is lift.
What I learn't about it is that force is different to motion because
motion is like movement,and force is something that you use
with your hands or wind that can make it move.
What was challenging about this was you can't learn everything at once.What was fun about it is when you get to post it and everybody can see,and they can leave some positive,thoughtful,and helpful comments.And here is my google drawing about how can you move a toy car.


  1. Hi there, my name is Minerva and I am a student in room 6/7 at Wesley Primary School. I really like how you published your toy car. It made me think of when I did my toy car work. Have you thought about adding more detail to your work so that it can be interesting . If you would like to see my learning, my class blog is http://wpsminervaf.

  2. Hi there, my name is Sunia and I am a student in room 7 at Wesley Primary School. I really like how you published your toy car work.It made me think of when I made me think of when I done it.Have you thought about using more interesting vocabulary words . If you would like to see my learning, my own blog is


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